Project CREST Internal Resources

Project CREST Internal Resources

Annual Review Coding Report and Perception Data

In 2022, Project CREST conducted a qualitative coding process of all available annual review criteria documents at UCCS. Additionally, the team conducted a survey of faculty perceptions of how the document creation process went in their units. Project CREST created a summary report of the results for both the coding process and faculty perception survey data. Read them both below!

Read the coding report here!

Read the faculty perception survey results here!

Pandemic Impacts on Research - Resources for Action

The the pandemic's harmful impacts on academic research will be felt for years to come. We must proactively support all our researchers, especially our women and minority scholars, to mitigate potential long lasting pandemic disparities on evaluations, promotions, and progress. We invite you to use visit our website to do what academics do best; educate ourselves and take action.

Review the Resources for Action Here

Campus Award and Seed Grant Report

The criteria by which campus awards and internal seed grants are evaluated are often vague, as are the processes used to review submissions. Our team developed the Equity-Minded Campus Award and Seed Grant Rubric which can be used an inventory of UCCS campus awards for teaching, research, and service, as well as internal seed grants. Below we share our findings and offer recommendations on how to improve award and grant calls. 

Download the Rubric here

Download the Report here

CREST Fest Posters

CREST Fest was held in April 2022 and again in 2023 and served as a casual community engagement event to share our project’s activities over the first and second years of the grant with campus stakeholders. Each member of the project team created a poster describing their main activities. 


View the poster presentations from 2023 here 

View the poster presentations from 2022 here

Project CREST Internal Resources

Annual Review Co-Creation Toolkit

The Project CREST Team developed a toolkit for departments to use as they create new or revise existing annual review criteria. As mandated by the CU regents, annual review criteria and processes must now be separate from RPT criteria. We hope the ideas and resources in this toolkit help your department develop inclusive and meaningful annual review criteria and processes. If you need support or have any questions, please reach out to

Access toolkit and other resources here

Workplace Culture Survey Literature-Based Action Inspiration Guide

The results of the 2021 Campus and Workplace Culture (CWC) survey are in. But survey results are only useful insofar that they generate reflection on what is working well and action for areas of concern. The purpose of this guide is to provide resources to stakeholders, leaders, and change agents who want to generate an informed action plan for DEI. 

View the guide here!

UCCS Biases in Research and Beyond: Literacy Reference Guide

In line with the Faculty Research Council's implementation of the UCCS 2030 strategic planning Research Framework Initiative to "Ensure accountability and bias-free implementation of research-related policies, incentives, and programs" we are excited to launch the Biases in Research and Beyond: Literacy Reference Guide.

Access the guide here

Research, Inequity, and Social Justice at UCCS

At UCCS, we fuel success by actively researching and providing resources on a variety of issues, including inequity and social injustice. With this resources, we hope to expand the perspectives of Mountain Lions and spark informed conversations and motivate actions that will create substantial and lasting change that improves our UCCS community.

Visit the website

External Resources

An Ethos of Care

Emily Skop, Martina Angela Caretta, Caroline Faria and Jessi L. Smith offer other scholars engaged in research collaborations a pledge to help foster and sustain more equitable relationships.

Read the pledge here along with a link to the full publication.

ADVANCE Resource and Coordination (ARC) Network

The ADVANCE Resource and Coordination (ARC) Network seeks to achieve gender equity for faculty in higher education STEM disciplines. As the STEM equity brain trust, the ARC Network promotes systemic change by producing new perspectives, methods and interventions with an intersectional, intentional and inclusive lens. The leading advocate for women in STEM the Association for Women in Science (AWIS) serves as the backbone organization of the ARC Network.

Visit the website

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)

Founded in 2010, the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity is an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community for faculty members, postdocs, and graduate students. We are 100% dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers. All UCCS faculty, graduate students, and staff may join the NCFDD for free and gain access to a wealth of professional development resources.

Visit the website

Extramural Diversity

The National Institutes of Health commissioned a literature review to better understand the impact of diversity in the scientific community. The review examined literature from a variety of areas, including health, medical disciplines and business. This approach will be updated and is designed to emphasize contemporary reports.

This database contains summaries of the literature and can be sorted using key words or by using other filters.

Visit the database here

External Resources

Asking Humble Questions

This worldwide bestseller offers simple guidance for building the kind of open and trusting relationships vital for tackling global systemic challenges and developing adaptive, innovative organizations—over 200,000 copies sold and translated into seventeen languages!

We live, say Edgar and Peter Schein, in a culture of “tell.” All too often we tell others what we think they need to know or should do. But whether we are leading or following, what matters most is we get to the truth. We have to develop a commitment to sharing vital facts and identifying faulty assumptions—it can mean the difference between success and failure. This is why we need Humble Inquiry more than ever. 

The Scheins define Humble Inquiry as “the gentle art of drawing someone out, of asking questions to which you do not know the answer, of building relationships based on curiosity and interest in the other person.” It was inspired by Edgar’s twenty years of work in high-hazard industries and the health-care system, where honest communication can literally mean the difference between life and death.


NSF Diversity in STEM Report 2023

A diverse workforce provides the potential for innovation by leveraging different backgrounds, experiences, and points of view. Innovation and creativity, along with technical skills relying on expertise in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), contribute to a robust STEM enterprise. Furthermore, STEM workers have higher median earnings and lower rates of unemployment compared with non-STEM workers. This report provides high-level insights from multiple data sources into the diversity of the STEM workforce in the United States. 

Read the full report HERE!

The Guide: Documenting, Evaluating, and Recognizing Engaged Scholarship

The Guide developed by Drs. Steve Abel and Rod Williams examines why and how Purdue University leveraged the Boyer Model of broadened definitions of scholarship to create clearer paths to promotion for faculty on the basis of the Scholarship of Engagement. 


View The Guide here

Project CREST Internal Resources

Service Equity Task Force

In the fall of 2023, Amanda Elder and Nick Fuselier were chosen as Faculty Fellows and led the Service Equity Task Force’s efforts, including identifying the service issues specific to UCCS faculty and identify strategies to address any findings as necessary. read their report, recommendations, and access the workload templates here.