UCCS 2024 Faculty Travel Revitalization Program

UCCS 2024 Faculty Travel Revitalization Program

Application Due Date: November 17, 2023 at 5pm

Academic Affairs and the Office of Research are committed to a continually responsive and inclusive infrastructure to aid faculty still grappling with the aftermath of the global pandemic. The pandemic dramatically altered the landscape of work-related travel and the goal of this program is to support faculty's reengagement to attend research or teaching conferences, archives, field sites, and workshops.

Outcomes of the travel program should result in revitalized programs of research, programs of teaching, and/or renewed professional development. The program specifically aims to promote the careers and well-being of faculty deeply impacted by the global pandemic by providing up to $1500 to support the applicant's unique research/teaching/development travel needs for calendar year 2024.


  • Applicants must have been at the university as a full time faculty for at least two years.
  • Only full-time faculty are eligible.
  • Though anyone is welcome to apply, priority is given to early- and mid-career faculty (those who have not yet achieved the rank of Professor or the rank of Senior Instructor) and those who did not already receive a Revitalization Fellowship.
  • Higher priority will be given to faculty who have less access to travel funds through grants, F&A funds (in departmental or PI accounts), start-up, or other resources. 
  • Faculty must have received at least “meeting expectations” on their most recent annual performance review.


Applications submitted under this funding program are evaluated by the Office of Research and the Committee on Research as needed and is contingent on funding. It is anticipated that approximately 10 awardees will be supported: 5 for full time tenure/tenure track faculty and 5 for full time IRC faculty. Awards will be based on the demonstrated need and articulated plan for the revitalization of mission central university work, and must include the following information:

  1. Cover Page that includes name, department, rank, email, and years at UCCS
  2. Summary of the revitalization travel plan including detailed information on the specific travel program (information about the conference, workshop, field site etc) (500 word limit)
  3. Summary of how you foresee this travel contributing to the revitalization of your research, teaching, and/or professional development (500 word limit).
  4. Budget justification and timeline for expenditure (up to 1 page).
    1. Justification should include why the travel cannot be fully paid for with other resources on campus.
  5. Submit all items as one combined PDF to OOR@UCCS.EDU by or before Nov 17, 5pm.


The decision to participate in the travel program is voluntary and at the faculty member’s discretion.  Faculty who receive funding and wish to participate, must adhere to the award stipulations if their travel expenses are to be covered.

Conditions are determined by the Office of Research and may be subject to change. Travel award recipients who fail to comply with award conditions are not eligible for other OOR funding until such time that a) all conditions are met and b) at least three years have passed since the conditions were met. Conditions include:

  • Requests are limited to a maximum of $1500.
  • Travel must be completed by December 30, 2024
  • Expenses can include registration, archive fees, airfare, mileage, meals, and lodging
  • Expenses must use published gsa rates.
  • International travel is supported.
  • If the travel for which you applied is canceled or you otherwise cannot attend, you will forfeit the funding award.
  • No extensions or substitutions.

Awardees are required to:

  • Complete a short survey addressing the impact of the travel on the awardee. This survey report is due to the Office of Research within one month of returning from the expense incurring event. Survey will be sent to each awardee via email.
  • Submit for travel reimbursement not later than 21 days after the travel occurred.


In order to request reimbursement for travel expenses, faculty must

  1. Book their travel in Concur and use their department’s speedtype.
  2. Use a UCCS travel card, if available to the awardee. If no travel card is available, please contact the Office of Research for assistance with registration and other pre-travel expenses.
  3. Email oor@uccs.edu when travel is complete. The email must include the original approved application, include itemized receipts, and include justification for all expenses claimed for reimbursement up to initial approved amount. Receipts already uploaded in Concur do not require additional documentation.
  4. Once the travel is complete and processed, the Office of Research will transfer the total amount of approved expenses to the identified departmental speedtype that will be processing the traveler’s expense report.

If the faculty member pays out of pocket for the travel, and has an approved travel award, the Office of Research will work with the Faculty member to process a reimbursement request through the Concur system. Note: Additional expenses input into Concur not covered under the travel award amount will need to be paid by a departmental, grant, or other appropriate resource.