Scholarship Reconsidered
A UCCS Think Tank
The goal of the Think Tank is to facilitate a unique collaboration among selected attendees to learn together, share knowledge, and be inspired to consider bold actions and unconventional approaches to transform the future of promotion to full professor reviews at UCCS. We are creating an intentional space that allows for discussing and sharing of visions, definitions, and values, as well as to strategize possible change efforts. We will actively challenge each other on the assumptions, implications, and future directions for promotion to full professor processes at UCCS. Review our white paper below and offer your feedback here!
Scholarship Reconsidered 2023 White Paper
Scholarship Reconsidered
Problems with the Promotion to Full Professor Process
When was the last time your unit updated its criteria for promotion to Full Professor? Even if updates were made recently, how much has it really changed in the last 25 years? Over the years, the ways in which scholarship is manifest has evolved, including more novel dissemination outlets (e.g. podcasts, blogs), community participatory research, and interdisciplinary research teams. However, the ways in which faculty are rewarded for these efforts is not reflected in current promotion evaluation criteria. Beyond just scholarship, these criteria often undervalue the vital work our faculty do in service to their university and overlook the countless hours spent mentoring the next generation of scholars. How then can we make intentional shifts in how faculty are evaluated for promotion and tenure to better reflect and reward the work they do?
The Boyer Model
Long before we were holding regular Zoom meetings with our research teams in different parts of the world, Ernest L. Boyer was advocating for a new way of thinking about what "counts" as scholarship and how teaching and service duties can be more fairly rewarded. The Boyer Model, described in detail in the 1990 publication from Boyer himself titled Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate challenges the status quo of the academy's publish-or-perish expectation of faculty productivity and success. Other universities have successfully initiated changes to their promotion criteria based upon the Boyer Model including Seattle University's ADVANCE from whom Project CREST has adapted procedures for creating system-level change right here at UCCS. Additionally, other institutions have leveraged the Boyer Model for modifying other university systems including undergraduate education.
The Future of Promotion to Full Professor at UCCS
Can we change the promotion to Full Professor criteria here at UCCS to better reflect what our faculty do to serve our students, the university, and their fields? The answer is yes, we must. In the Fall of 2022 a group of 20 faculty and administrators representing every college on campus have been brought together by Project CREST to think deeply on what scholarship means to them and how best we can move forward as a university to effectively and equitably evaluate our faculty for promotion decisions. The Scholarship Reconsidered: A UCCS Promotion Think Tank met three times through the Fall 2022 semester to discuss the Boyer model and learned how other institutions have integrated this model into their evaluation policies. They produce a white paper in Spring 2023 to make recommendations to leadership about what they want included in promotion criteria revisions. If you have feedback on the white paper you'd like to share, please do so HERE!
Scholarship Reconsidered Resources
Think Tank Syllabus
The syllabus provides an overview of how to structure a think tank to reconsider scholarship at your institution.
Considered Conversation Guide
This guide can be easily adapted to other institutions and context when you want to engage faculty in conversations around the promotion to full professor.
Steve Abel and Purdue's Scholarship
Watch a presentation on the evolution of public engagement scholarship at Purdue University by special guest speaker Dr. Steve Abel. For further reading on Purdue's institutionalization of the Boyer Model see the Purdue Guide.
Dr. O'Meara and faculty evaluations
Watch the recording of a talk by our guest Dr. KerryAnn O'Meara who discusses her take on the implications of Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered model for faculty promotion, equity, and institutional transformation.
Scholarship Reconsidered: A UCCS Promotion Think Tank
Who is the Think Tank:
All faculty members of the Think Tank were self- or other-nominated to take part in these discussions via an open call to campus. Members and the departments they represent are listed below. These think tank members also led conversations with campus members in a series of Considered Conversations to discuss in detail the ideas present in the white paper. Read the Considered Conversation Guide here.
Name | Department | Rank |
Johanna Baez | Social Work | Assistant |
Jackie Berning | Health Science | Full |
Philip Brown | Computer Science | Assistant |
Tom Christensen | Physics | Full |
Samantha Christiansen | History | Associate |
Minette Church | Anthropology | Full |
Beth Daniels | Psychology | Associate |
Tabby Farney | Library | Associate Dean |
Peter Gorder | MAE | Associate |
Christina Jimenez | History | Full |
Martin Key | Marketing | Associate |
Farida Khan | Economics | Full |
David Kocsis | Information Systems | Assistant |
Joey Lee | Health Sciences | Assistant |
Sylvia Mendez | Leadership, Research, Foundations | Full |
Emily Skop | Geography | Full |
Jessi L. Smith | Psychology | Full |
Heather Song | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Full |
Joe Wehrman | Counseling | Full |
Regina Winters | Public Administration | Associate Dean |
Patty Witkowsky | Leadership, Research, Foundations | Associate |