Seed Grants

Seed Grants

Seed Grants

UCCS Faculty Seed Grants Logo

Committee on Research and Creative Works (CRCW) Recent AWARDEES


The CRCW is thrilled to announce the 2024 winners:

Arlene Bjugstad, Social Work
Cultural Adaptation of a Prevention Intervention to Improve Mental Health Through Adolescent-Mother Attachment Among Recently Arrived Latino Immigrants

Patrick Brady; Criminal Justice
A Mixed-Methodological Approach to Developing Culturally and Technologically Competent Interview Protocols to Reduce Unwarranted Arrests in Domestic Violence Complaints

Katherine Bright, Criminal Justice
The Digital Footprint of Sexual Violence

Stephanie Gangemi, Social Work
Advancing Moral Injury Resilience and Response: Developing a Participatory Action Research-Based Toolkit for Correctional Healthcare Workers

Tarek Masaud, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Optimal Planning of Hybrid Fuel Cell-Battery System for Microgrid Applications

Amanda Morgenstern, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Positioning Critical Points with Electric Fields for Improved Enzyme Design Methods

Armin Moin - Computer Science; Eugenia Olesicky - Biology; Peter Braza - Mathematics; Radu Cascaval - Mathematics; & Oluwatosin Oluwadare - Computer Science 
Modeling and Learning Anomalies in Dendritic Branching

Cortny Stark, Counseling & Human Services
Speaking Across Disciplines to Support Behavior Change: Collaborative Motivational Interviewing Training with Air Force Academy Leadership & Counselors-in-training

Jose Luis Tapia-Fuselier, Counseling & Human Services; Brynn Adamson, Health Sciences
Ableism in Therapeutic Settings: Addressing Health Disparities in Mental Health Services for the Disability Community

Hui Wan, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Topology Optimization of Thermal Control Systems